Category Archive: Politics

Told ya I touched him.

Link to the WT blog post I wrote about our meeting with the Prez:

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I saludar-ed the president. Yea, the president of the Republic of Colombia. Juan Manuel Santos himself granted me a genuine, arm-grasping, cheek-kissing Colombian greeting. In person! I touched a Latin American president, you… Continue reading

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Summit of the Americas: Hugs and Drugs

The media’s favorite SOA topic is the great drug debate. While the drug trade and its ensuing violence is undoubtedly a huge issue in the region, it makes great fodder for the press… Continue reading

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Summit of the Americas: We’re all friends here, right?

I’m a huge nerd for Latin America, so just seeing the signs and billboards for the sixth Summit of the Americas in Cartagena last week was like Christmas. We were staying in an… Continue reading

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Summit of the Americas: Like the cool kids’ lunch table

I’ve been reading up on the Summit of the Americas, to be held in Cartagena, Colombia in mid-April (I’ll be there just a week before the prez!). The summit is an annual series… Continue reading

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